There is hardly a person in the world who has not read Robinson Crusoe. Everyone likes adventure stories about pirates and sailors who visit uninhabited exotic places. Robinson Crusoe is one of such books. The novel was written by Daniel Defoe in 1719. At that time, people enjoyed reading about the undiscovered islands and continents whereas there were still many white spots on the map of Earth. One can say that this novel was revolutionary, because it introduced realism into fiction. It is hard to define the genre of this book forasmuch it possesses many features, which emphasize its originality. The novel is written in different forms. Foremost, it is an epistolary novel, because Daniel Defoe wrote the text in the form of a diary. Secondly, the novel is confessional as the protagonist shares his emotions and impressions about his life on the uninhabited island. Finally, Robinson Crusoe is a didactic novel inasmuch as it contains many instructions and recipes. The protagonist describes how to do the peculiar things and how to cope with the specific challenges. In these details, we are able to notice the elements of realism. Continue reading →
A human being is a social creature. We live among other people, and we work and entertain together. One cannot survive without the slightest contacts with the human society. Apparently, everyone is a unique personality who has her interests and preferences. Very often we have to defend our point of view and dignity. No wonder, a human being is a conflictual creature. There are conflicts everywhere. One can mention corporate, domestic and other types of disputes. It is always hard to define the cause of a conflict and its chief accuser. When one lives in the society characterized by gender inequality, it is hard to observe the roots of conflicts objectively.
Everybody knows that gender inequality is a relevant problem in our society. When we speak about various European countries, we should say that the woman was a subordinate element of the human community.
There were numerous cases of forced marriages and executions because a woman resembled a witch. The dominant position of men was not disputed because they were physically stronger and more influential.
Moreover, centuries ago, it was difficult to survive without the protection of a man; therefore, the problem of gender inequality was usual. Continue reading →
Abortion is a highly controversial debate topic for discussion and consequently one of the most popular choices for argumentative essays. There are different points of view about abortion and its legality, of course. Some people support this operation unconditionally, while others feel it should be legal but restricted to certain circumstances, and other still believe it should be forbidden completely.
If you need to prepare a persuasive (argumentative) essay about abortion, there are a few academic writing tips that will help you organize your paper professionally. One key to a successful abortion essay is to start with a solid hook that can get your audience interested in your essay from the first line.
Start with Something to Interest Your Reader
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Gun control is a powerful and controversial issue for analysis, which is one reason that the topic is a frequent subject for essays at the college and university levels. When a college student is asked to complete an informative and persuasive essay about gun control, the student should bear in mind that he or she can use the Internet to his or her advantage. With so many controversies over gun control, there is always something interesting and inventive to write about that can connect your paper to the most current controversies over the issue. You can read these simple academic guidelines to learn a few tips and tricks that will help you to prepare your essay successfully. Continue reading →
Global warming is one of the most controversial but important topics in pop culture today. To understand it, students are often asked to think about this issue attentively and brainstorm a few practical solutions that can help to overcome the ill effects of climate change. Obviously, it’s hard to complete an informative and exciting global warming essay without saying something that has already been said many times before; however, you can take advantage of these writing tips to help you construct a high-quality assignment. Once you’ve finished your essay, you can develop a great hook to lead the reader into your paper. Continue reading →
We hear about bullying every day. It is a widespread problem in our society. Bullying occurs in education, in the workplace, and in some families. Physical and psychological abuse of a human being in her social group characterize it. Evidently, many people suffer from this problem, especially students. Some students decide to give up school. Sometimes, there are cases of suicide. It is essential to understand the most objective factors, which cause bullying at school or in the workplace. I am going to analyze this problem in detail to understand the cause of bullying and its effect on young people.
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An academic project is a project of your solid research. If you want to prepare a successful Master’s thesis or a Ph.D. dissertation, you ought to complete a well-structured and original project based on your paper.
You can look through these writing tips to understand how to write a scholarly project correctly.
Step #1. Create a Good Topic
Your primary duty is to make the reader interested in your project. The best way to attract his attention is to come up with a sound topic. A catchy topic would come in handy because it makes a potential reader interested and intrigued. Continue reading →
Every student who studies business and accounting should be able to compose a successful business plan professionally.
Obviously, many students face problems with the development of this type of document because they do not know the fundamentals used to prepare a good business plan. To help students develop a strong and effective business plan, we have some helpful advice for writing them, and we hope you can take advantage of our high-quality writing tips to improve your business plan writing skills. Continue reading →

Academic writing is an everyday activity for every college and university student. They have to know how to write their original research papers, essays, term papers and dissertations if they want to gain MA and Ph.D. degrees and build their academic career effectively. Despite the fact that academic writing is so common it still stays exceptionally challenging even for the most accomplished students. Get to know how to polish academic writing skills and increase both your grades and confidence.
Make a list of basic academic traps
There are lots of grammar traps in the English language, but you shouldn’t get desperate, as basically we get into the limited amount of them. Make a list of the most common pitfalls and write a short rule next to each. Every time you stumble upon a grammar twist, you will have a handy helper. Pay extra attention to the following tricks: Continue reading →
Page, Scott E. Diversity and Complexity. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011. Internet resource.
Scott approaches fine and performance arts from comparative perspective, which enables him to document on the 1400 CE art practices at a precise and authoritative manner. His first chapter is an insight of the diversity and complexity of the renaissance art prior to the medieval age. The author seeks to decipher abundant knowledge to the readers as he asserts the contributions of renowned artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Giorgione, and Bondonne. Further, Scott Page aligns his work to a clear platform when he evaluates the subject of measuring the intensity of diversity between fine and performance arts of the past. The author narrates on the process by which the early artists evolved their artworks, and the diversities born to such practices. On the third account, Page indicates on the existence of constraints within the art field and the variations shown by the systems used. Therefore, Page Scott succeeds to implement the course of fine and performance to the modern scholars. Continue reading →