Great Hook for Gun Control Essay
Gun control is a powerful and controversial issue for analysis, which is one reason that the topic is a frequent subject for essays at the college and university levels. When a college student is asked to complete an informative and persuasive essay about gun control, the student should bear in mind that he or she can use the Internet to his or her advantage. With so many controversies over gun control, there is always something interesting and inventive to write about that can connect your paper to the most current controversies over the issue. You can read these simple academic guidelines to learn a few tips and tricks that will help you to prepare your essay successfully.
Explain the Meaning of Gun Control
It is important to provide the reader with the necessary information to understand the meaning of gun control. Gun control is the practice based on the limitation of the sale and possession of firearms. You can say that many countries practice a policy of gun control for different purposes. Mention that the U.S. differs from the rest of the world because many more people are permitted to purchase and possess firearms for self-protection. It can be useful to compare the United States to countries like Britain or Australia where there are far fewer gun crimes and less of a gun-centric culture.
Attract the Reader’s Attention with the Help of Specific Facts
Naturally, you ought to prepare an interesting essay. You can capture the reader’s attention right from the start with the aid of statistics and the correct facts about the danger of rifles, revolvers, and pistols. It is smart to open your paper by writing about particular cases of violence and terrorism in gun free zones, at educational institutions or work. Specific examples capture the reader’s attention, and telling stories about real people helps to form an emotional connection to the audience that interests them in wanting to hear more about your topic. In some cases, you might say that people could have saved their lives if they had the opportunity to possess a weapon. On the other hand, you can write about a case where a psychologically ill person kills dozens of people and the courts find that the killer is not responsible for his or her actions. You can emphasize the importance and necessity of gun control for the wellbeing of the surrounding community.
Develop a Strong and Effective Thesis Statement
After you have developed your attention-getting device, you will need to present a thesis statement in which you explain what the essay will demonstrate or prove and indicate the main lines of evidence that you will be using to support and prove your main idea.
Offer a Few Arguments Supporting the Policy
You should observe the pros and cons of gun control. At first, you can focus on the advantages of this system. Say that sometimes it is smart to limit the sale and possession of firearms. Many mentally ill people manage to purchase a rifle and cause harm to their neighbors and random citizens. They cannot control their emotions and actions; therefore, they can wound or even murder an innocent person with little to stop them, especially in an era where there is a reduced mental health support system to deal with such people before they act violently. Secondly, the possession of firearms requires responsibility and maturity. Some people do not know how to use their pistols, revolvers and submachine guns, and they can cause harm to someone’s health by mistake. Naturally, when one buys a gun, one should know how to use it. Most people agree that a person needs to possess a license which confirms that he has finished the specialized courses devoted to the owners of firearms, and it can be reasonable therefore to argue that licensing requirements should be tightened, much the way driver’s licenses are more restrictive than they were 50 years ago.
Write a Few Arguments Against Gun Control
Although the majority of countries embrace a policy of gun control, you can say that you prefer to possess firearms, because they are safe when used correctly and can save a person’s life in the case of an emergency. Provide the reader with definite information about the rates of violent crimes in various countries which support gun control and compare them to the United States. In a few cases, you may be able to argue that rates of violent crimes are lower in the U.S. than they might otherwise be because people can use their rifles for self-protection. If a criminal knows that every citizen possesses a revolver or rifle and he or she may not risk his or her own life for easy money.
Conclude Your Essay
You ought to summarize your essay professionally. Develop a strong conclusion that leaves the reader with a substantive parting thought they can think about after the paper ends. With such controversial issues, it is better to complete your gun control essay with the help of an open-ended conclusion that invites the reader to draw his or her own conclusion. Restate some of the main ideas of the paper and indicate whether you feel that the arguments for or against gun control are stronger.