If you are willing to impress your professor with a stellar technical report, you will find these tips timely and efficient. Some of the steps described in this article might seem too obvious to you, but that only means you have more experience than average students. However, sometimes, especially under the severe time pressure, it is easy to forget even about the simplest rules and principles.
Step #1 Make Your Summary a Summary
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The annotated bibliography is an annoying task and whoever invented it didn’t like students. In this kind of assignment, you need to write about literature background for your research or a particular subject in question. It can be a separate task, but mostly it is a part of a bigger assignment and failing in dealing with it might bring down the whole paper. To avoid this unfortunate situation, you might consider following these not too complicated but efficient steps presented by our writers.
Step #1. Follow the Citation Style from the Very Beginning
Of course, you can draft everything, work on the content, dig deep, etc. Doing so you will soothe yourself that you can deal with formatting later, and the content is king, and your professor values your point of view first of all. But let’s face it, he or she didn’t ask you for coffee to discuss what you think about the recent studies on Gender Equality. You have to do it academically and in academia every dot, every slash and every capital letter matters. Check if you need to format it in APA, Chicago, MLA or another style, copy basics from the Purdue Owl or a similar website to the separate document and format your paper right from starters. It is often that you don’t have time in the last minutes, so it is better if what you have looks professional at every stage. Continue reading →
Before you start working on your Master’s research project, you have to submit a research proposal unveiling your plans regarding the future writing and get it approved. Some students claim that composing this paper was harder for them than making research later. It is understandable because when you write a research proposal, you are mostly blank regarding the issue and need to gather and summarize information about it for the first time. The format can also be challenging. To help you deal with this assignment smoothly and efficiently, we offer you timely tips from our expert writers.
There are two types of this paper, and both have its challenges:
- 2-3 page proposal. This type is mostly preliminary. Many professors want to know what you are going to write about even before you finish a classic long proposal. Someone might say that it is a waste of time and too much, but we are sure it is a right way. According to the latest SCRUM practices, it is much better to make changes while the minimum efforts were invested. Even if your professor doesn’t demand such brief overview from you, you can offer him or her to look through it to avoid further more dramatic changes.
- Standard proposal. Includes a full outline of your future research and mostly consists of introduction, methodology and literature review. They might have slightly different names, but their meaning and content will stay the same. Let’s go through each of them separately.
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Writing on gender studies is a necessary but challenging task, which requires not only story-telling abilities but also knowledge of history, tolerance and delicacy. This topic gets increasingly essential and broadly discussed, so you have to know how to cover it in your essay or research paper. We bet, you know that your story should have a beginning, a body part and a conclusion, as well as include no grammar or formatting mistakes. Not to bore you with the repeated information, we will jump right to the point and explain how to write a paper on gender studies the way it would impress the most influential feminists of this and previous centuries. Continue reading →
When it comes to writing a thesis paper or even a complicated research paper, your work is divided into three stages:
- Research and analysis. You gather information, compare and contrast it, choose the most
relevant one and form a list of references you would like to use to back up your ideas and final solutions. At this stage, it is important to be picky and not trust the first source you see. It is tempting to use the first two pages of google search, but you should dig much deeper than that. More of it, remember that you should use the most up-to-date data you can find, as your professor will pay attention to it.
- Writing. Most of the students think it is the primary part, but it takes no more than 40% of both time and value. Writing you summarize everything you’ve come up with at the previous stage, which means you don’t waste much time looking for information, you process it and choose the most relevant and impressive one.
- Editing. If you fail to do this part, anything you did previously will be gone in vain. Proofreading and editing make your paper polished and professional, they make it complete, not raw. From what we know, slightly less than 50% of students neglect this stage, which means if you pay attention to it, you will be already in the better position than half of your classmates. It is not an easy part, and we are here to help you with it.
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It feels amazing to have an academic paper done. You have researched everything deeply, found great contextual proofs, backed your ideas with information from the up-to-date sources and came up with some outstanding results. There is only one step standing between you and paper submission, and it is proofreading. Lots of students skip this point, hoping that their research efforts and bright ideas will compensate for technical mistakes and omissions. The sad truth is that they won’t.
The good news is that we know how to deal with proofreading your academic papers fast and efficiently. Follow this roadmap and your efforts will be rewarded. Continue reading →
There are two types of students: those who find out that writing a dissertation is a nightmare in the middle of the process and those who know for sure it will be a nigh

tmare and get ready to it in advance. The first task you get in this process is to write a dissertation proposal, and if you do it right, what happens next won’t catch you off guard.
How to Stop Procrastinate and Write a Dissertation Proposal
Every superhero has the antagonist, the enemy whom he or she is fighting against. We don’t know what your superpower is, but we are well aware of who is your major enemy, and it is Procrastination. It comes out of nowhere right when you’ve just decided to be the most productive student ever, it makes you read someone’s endless posts on Facebook, choose filters for your Instagram or just watch another episode of your favorite series. In short — it makes you postponing everything for doing nothing. The only way to deal with it at least at some level is to write a timeline and follow it. Continue reading →
The abundance and wide variety of reference policies presented on the World Wide Web are excitingly numerous. This matter of facts, though, does not simplify the understanding of reference principles.
There is a need to analyze them more thoroughly.
Let us now take a closer look at some types of reference policy statements on specific aspects of reference service. First of all, most sources define the reference policy as a set of rules and procedures that describe the services and resources offered by the Library (or educational institution), the extent to which they are provided and to whom and by whom such services are delivered.
When performing the research assignment, one may come across, for example, such types of reference policies:
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An overwhelming number of people list public speaking as their biggest fear, and one of the world’s most common nightmares is to dream about having to give a speech unprepared. In the United States, more than 27 million people list public speaking as their biggest fear, rivaling such perpetual sources of fear as spiders and death. What is it about public speaking that causes s
o much anxiety? Surely, part of the problem is the fear that comes from having to perform in front of a judgmental audience, but another part of the fear derives from uncertainty over how to prepare for a public speaking engagement.
The good news is that public speaking anxiety can be significantly reduced with a bit of preparation work.
You’ve probably noticed that many of the best speakers deliver speeches that are written out on a TelePrompTer for them. Politicians, for example, routinely use the services of professional speechwriters to ensure that they say exactly what they need to say. While most of us can’t afford to have our own paid speechwriter on staff, we can use the benefits of speechwriting tips and tricks to help prepare ourselves for a speech and to make our next public speaking experience much easier. Continue reading →
When you begin the long journey toward a PhD, you must decide on the pat that your research is going to take. After all, a doctorate is a long and expensive journey to undertake, and starting out without a clear goal is problematic at best and catastrophic at worst. But in laying out your research proposal, it can be helpful to understand some of the basic steps involved in developing the kind of research proposal that will make your target school stand up and take notice. Our basic guide to writing a research proposal will help you to get the process started so you can begin your journey toward your doctoral degree.
Of course, before we begin it’s important to remember that every university has its own PhD proposal guidelines, so be sure to check with the institution you are applying to in order to ensure that you are meeting their specific requirements. Continue reading →